Women’s Centres Call for Recognition for the Work They Do in the Fight to End Violence Against Women
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Women in Distress: Let Them Be Heard
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Women’s Centres Mobilize to Call for a Feminist Economic Relaunch
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More coherence, more transparency, less fear
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L’R responds to the report from Québec’s Expert Committee on Support for Victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence: A solid understanding of the issues, yet no firm commitments
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Women’s Centres on the Front Lines of Violence Intervention
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Justice for Joyce and all other injustices not captured on video
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Justice for Joyce
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L’R highlights the launch of the World March of Women in Quebec
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Your decisions, our work
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30 years later – what’s changed? Commemorating the femicide of 14 women on December 6, 1989
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We’ve been stuck with invisible work and the mental load for too long. It’s time to set ourselves free!
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